Kaspersky 2010 Genuine Activation Code For 90 Days

Unlike previous free keys promotions this one needs more work and you must follow the steps carefully to grab your activation key, follow the steps below :

Kaspersky Anti Virus 2010 Final UI

  1. Click here to launch the promo-registration page and fill in the details as shown in image below.
    Kaspersky 2010 Activation Step 1
  1. Scroll down and check all boxes, enter CAPTCHA image verification, now you need to answer a math question but the question is in polish language - use Google Translate to get the question and answer it.
  2. Kaspersky 2010 Activation Step 2 Kaspersky 2010 Activation Step 3
  3. After successful registration open this page and login with your registered details, click the “Dalej” button to proceed.
    Kaspersky 2010 Activation Step 4 Kaspersky 2010 Activation Step 5
  1. Now, visit this page and click Pobierz button.
    Kaspersky 2010 Activation Step 6
  1. Now, fill-in the provided form and submit.
  2. Kaspersky 2010 Activation Step 7
  3. You will now receive Kaspersky Internet security activation code in your email.
    Kaspersky 2010 Activation Step 8
  1. Goto http://www.oem.kaspersky.pl/ and use the code in your email to proceed, now fill in the form and use 521-04-12-987 in the NIP textbox.
    Kaspersky 2010 Activation Step 9 Kaspersky 2010 Activation Step 10
  1. You will now receive your license code in your email.
  2. Use it to activate your copy of Kaspersky 2009 or 2010 product for a period of 90 days.
thanks to http://www.megaleecher.net/Kaspersky_2010


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